Change your thinking and you will change your life. Brian Tracy: Change your thinking and you will change your life. How the world turns to black and white

To move towards success, you should change your thinking to a more positive one and try to eliminate the negative. Humanity has developed spiritual patterns for prosperity. Many lessons on . In the thoughts, intentions and desires of people there are power resources for implementation. But after a while, both positive and negative plans can come true. Having learned to distinguish between them, as well as to introduce positive notes and colors, you can change not only yourself, but also the surrounding reality with the idea: change your thinking and you will change your life.

Positive thinking is success in life!

Complaining about a difficult life aggravates the situation, which in many cases leads to its deterioration. Moreover, circumstances will become more complicated to such an extent that it will be impossible to find a way out of it. Let's look at how to attract success by changing your thinking to a positive one and turning your life for the better.

Features of a person with positive thinking

How to think positively? Some individuals see only good in everything that surrounds them. Such a person who thinks positively has the following characteristics.

  • Looks for advantages in everything.
  • Interested in new information as an additional opportunity.
  • Improves life, creates plans and ideas, works a lot.
  • neutral or good.
  • Observes successful ones in order to take into account their experience.
  • Calmly regards achievements and considers why this is possible.
  • Has generosity in emotional and material terms.

How ? It should be concluded that successes arise as a result of the hard work of people with positive thinking.

Negative thinking methods and how to avoid them

There are several ways of thinking that lead to bad results. But options have also been developed with which it is possible to avoid and get out of a difficult situation. The principle is to change your usual way of thinking, perceiving life within yourself. Without this, it is impossible to achieve success, and subsequently independence. You can make the following list of situations and how to turn your life to the positive.

  1. Getting used to adhering to clear boundaries, a person does not think about whether this makes sense. It should be realized that in addition to the established rules, there are a great many possibilities and options for action. When building your thinking and life, you need to try to make decisions on your own, which is often much more pleasant than following advice. At the same time, the ability to make the right choice does not come immediately. Given the many daily situations that require decision making, the following questions need to be considered: a) What will be the consequences? b) Will this lead to the satisfaction of the person himself and his environment?
  2. If the answers to both questions are affirmative, it is quite possible to make this choice. This way we will gain a small amount of independence, as well as the awareness of our independence and the absence of anyone's pressure.
  3. Changing your mindset to achieve success includes the rule: you should not try to look for problems where there are none. Some out of the blue instead of simply resolving the situation. A lot of negative emotions appear, which affects the rest of the day. Sometimes a person creates a bad condition for himself
  4. How to change your attitude towards life? Chinese wisdom advises not to focus on problems that cannot be solved. And if it’s still possible, then there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. The way out of such a situation is to avoid the conflict and refrain from stupid actions associated with it. Another method to improve your life is to not be the source of such quarrels.
  5. The absence of fears associated with change helps you achieve success quickly. A new path can be started with a small step. According to Mark Twain, after 2 decades, people regret more about what they didn’t do than about their actions.
  6. Change your thinking, but how? Its scope should be expanded. Positive thoughts: If there are problems today, everything can change tomorrow.
  7. How to change your lifestyle? There is no need to stop learning, as new knowledge opens up opportunities to achieve goals and makes the process more efficient.
  8. How to think positively? It is necessary to eliminate bad qualities such as envy. If you learn to look positively at other people's successes, they will be perceived as a motivating stimulus. Using other people's accomplishments as role models can help you avoid judgment that leads to problems. And also change lives.
  9. The process of brain functioning and the reproduction of thoughts takes quite a lot of time. The more often we resort to it, the more obstacles appear. You can try to choose one of the options rather than endlessly go through and invent situations. We need to change our minds: think less and instead take decisive action. A person must control his thoughts, and not vice versa.

When taking steps that will change your thinking to a positive one, we start with the same thought. By controlling emotions, you should protect not only yourself, but also your neighbors from negativity. And also not to enter into conflicts (not to be their initiator). Changes will occur not only with thinking, but also with consciousness. And then it will become clear from the surrounding world that life has changed.

Changing thinking

Often our way of thinking is stereotypical, and bias can make a person a failure. When you change your thinking, life becomes completely different. By perceiving internal (subjective) reality, the world of our ordinary thoughts, we distort the external world. It turns out to be illusory or invented. At the same time, emotions and feelings are distorted. This makes a person inappropriate or even unhappy, which can lead to failures in the areas of life and activity. How to change your attitude towards life?

Using the method of changing thinking, we come from irrational to rational perception, using the technique of objective refutation. This ensures a self-sufficient life. In the question of how to think positively, you can also use the technology of emotional experience. But the first method is more suitable for people who want to avoid. Following the adoption of a different way of thinking, life changes are possible.

For the same purpose, there is a method of alternative interpretation that changes “automatic” thoughts. To change his life, a person applies a method according to the following principles.

  1. Priority allows you to pay more attention to first impressions of events. This perception is not always the best, since people often behave impulsively and follow their intuition. As a result, late assessments lead poorly to objectivity, which is not entirely consistent with the circumstances. People are being misled. How to change yourself? We conclude that it is necessary to refrain from hasty assessments. It is necessary to obtain more information for an accurate perception.
  2. How to change your lifestyle? While working on your thoughts on your own, you can try to write down unpleasant emotions throughout the week. It is also necessary to note the event that activates them, and the first thought about it. Over the next week, as you continue to take notes, you need to come up with a number of interpretations—alternatives for the situations. Continuing to act in this way, we replace irrational thinking with objective thinking. Within a month, you can learn to think this way automatically and rebuild your lifestyle for the better.

How to improve your life

It is quite possible to learn to perceive different reality, and not just its black and white colors. Ambivalent thinking does not correspond to the division between “good” and “bad.” Once you have made your choice, you can confirm your decision without thinking about it further. But gray (or ambivalent) thinking differs from black and white thinking in that a person is able to accept the opponent’s position. This way of perception reduces the degree of determination, but brings benefits in the form of wisdom. And you can not only change your life, but remember yourself in childhood, when you already used this method.

How does the world turn black and white?

A person’s views become rigid, as “frameworks” are imposed from the outside. For example, is higher education beneficial for us or is it just a waste of time. Strong beliefs do not allow you to find multiple answers to a question. Although it is clear that the world is not so simple as to be divided into “bad” and “good”. It's not good to make hasty decisions, but it's also bad to take forever to make choices. Wisdom allows you to look at a problem from a variety of perspectives.

How to learn to think ambivalently?

It is difficult to change the way you think, especially if you like radical judgments. But attempts will teach you to take a comprehensive approach to problems, which will help eliminate hasty assessments. There are a number of rules for thinking positively in order to change your destiny.

  • You should abandon strict judgments. For example, don't pronounce them. By refraining from dividing into “bad” and “good”, one can understand that the world cannot limit itself to these two categories.
  • If you take the perspective of an event, it will be possible to assess its significance.
  • You need to accept that a person can make mistakes. By feeling yourself in the opponent’s shoes, you can realize that his point of view is the correct one.
  • Having gotten used to the fact that the true solution is not unambiguous, a person learns to accept a different opinion and see the problem comprehensively.

To change your life, as well as thinking about ambivalence at least at the level of the first step, you need to pay attention to how the child perceives the world.

Tracy Brian


UDC 037.6+219.4 BBK 88T67

Translated from English by N.I. Grineva. by edition: Change your ihinkg change your life by Brian Tracy. - S.F.: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2003.

Tracy B.

T66 Change your consciousness, your life will change / Trans. from English Pashutin N.A. - Mn.: Globus, 2004. - 236 pp., - ISBN 409-257-041.

A wide range of readers is offered a simple but very effective methodology for overcoming difficulties in setting goals and on the path to them, which has helped more than a million people in different parts of the world to rely on the potentials and resources of the personal psyche and quickly achieve success.

ISBN 409-257-041 (Russian) ISBN 1-57675-252-6 (English)

© Translation, edition in Russian. Decor. Furor LLC, 2003 © 2003 by Brian Tracy

To my wife Barbara,

She taught me to value love and family life.

You are my support and greatest inspiration.



If you are ready to assess the level of your own achievements and achieve even greater results, then you have a reliable travel book in your hands. Before the vamp is the DNA of your future. All you need to do to create a wonderful future is to read the book and decide how to use it in your future, make a plan and then get down to business with enthusiasm.

I have a confession to make. I am one of Brian's biggest fans. I studied him, his wonderful works and the brilliant results he achieved. I am one of his colleagues and close friends. We worked on many projects together, often met and talked.

Brian is one of today's preeminent thinkers and writers working in the fields of personal development and personal success. I know it; he has sold over 82 million books aimed at helping people reach their full potential.

The book “Change your consciousness, change your life” will teach you how to unlock your inner resources, release and realize your incredible strengths and abilities. You will learn how to attract into your life the people and resources you need to achieve your goals.

You will be simply amazed when you begin to achieve new and significantly better results by applying these concepts and ideas in everything you do. It was these concepts that guided people who achieved tremendous success, millionaires who started practically from scratch, and leaders in any field of activity.

In this book, you will learn how to move step by step towards the great success that you will eventually achieve, easily and without much effort. This success strategy is so logical, attractive, effective and beneficial in all areas of life that, in fact, it is a breakthrough in personal development.

Since you are constantly thinking anyway, why not direct your thoughts to something outstanding and achieve this brilliant result?

"Brian is a shining light in the speaking and writing world." He gave us incredible ideas and achieved amazing results, himself and the hundreds of thousands of people who followed his ideas. Brian's thoughts and ideas will inspire you to do the same or more.

Get ready for one of the most wonderful adventures and explorations of the boundaries of your perception, and first of all, your consciousness! You are on the verge of amazing discoveries.

Change your consciousness - your life will change


This book took years of work, reading, teaching, and research to create. Many people contributed to my ideas and were invisible guides when the chapters of this book were created. First of all, I would like to thank my friend Mark Victor Hansen, who many years ago introduced me to Ernest Holtes, probably the greatest spiritual thinker of the twentieth century. Ernest E.H., founder of the Science of the Mind, opened my eyes and heart to the incredible universe of potential that lies hidden within each individual and is revealed the moment you change your thinking, and therefore your life. Prominent spiritual thinkers such as Charles Filler, Neville, Eric Bye-worth, Wayne Dyer and Robert Assajali have had a significant influence on my thinking.

In his book “Change your thinking and you will change your life” Brian Tracy gives 12 principles of success that will allow you to achieve your goals, learn to manage your life, and become a positive thinking person.

Who is this book for?

For everyone who understands the need change your thinking, but don't know how to do it. The book “Change Your Mind and You Change Your Life” will help you build the foundation of your success using 12 principles.

What are we like?

What you are today is the result of an idea or impression that you accepted as truth. When you believe that something is true, it actually becomes true for you, even if in fact it is not.

"You are not what you think, but you are what you think"

2 main fears

Two main fears that develop in us is fear failures or loss and fear of criticism or refusal. We begin to feel the first fear when we are scolded for trying to do something new and unusual.

As a result of the destructive criticism we were exposed to as children, we hold ourselves back as adults. We give up without even making the first attempt.

Instead of using our amazing thinking powers and finding a way... how to achieve what you want, we use our reasoning ability to find reasons why we can't do this and why what we want is simply impossible.

If you want success, don't be afraid of mistakes

If you have already suffered a series of defeats, most likely you - on the verge of huge success. Your failures have prepared you for victory. So a streak of success follows a streak of failure.

If you are unsure, double your failures!

The more often you try, the more likely you are to succeed. You will overcome your fears when you do things that scare you, and eventually fear will no longer control you.

3 components of your personality

You can select 3 components of your personality, which are closely interconnected with each other and in general are nothing more than your “I” - your personality.

In the book “Change your thinking and you will change your life,” Brian Tracy identifies the following 3 components of a person’s personality:

  1. Self-image is self-ideal.
  2. Your own image is an “internal mirror”.
  3. Self-esteem is the core of your personality.


The first component of a person’s self-awareness (personality) is his self-ideal, self-image. This is the person you would like to become if you were perfect in every way. These ideals guide you and shape your behavior.

Own image

The second component of human self-awareness is interior mirror, own image. You always look there to decide how to behave in a certain situation. Thanks to the power of the very image that you have created for yourself, your external manifestations always correspond to your internal “portrait”.


The third component of human self-awareness is self-esteem, the core of individuality. This is the emotional component of your personality, the most important factor determining thoughts, feelings and behavior. It is the source of energy that determines levels of self-confidence and enthusiasm.

The more you like yourself, the higher the standards you set for yourself. The more you like yourself, the larger the goals you set for yourself will be and the harder you will strive to achieve them.

12 principles of success

Below are 12 principles of success from Brian Tracy, which will help you change your thinking and your life for the better:

  1. Change your thinking. What you think about yourself, your abilities and your potential is your self-concept. You can learn your self-concept. By having complete control over the words, images and ideas you allow into your mind, you take complete control of your future.
  2. Change your life. You come into life as pure potential, with unlimited possibilities in countless areas of activity. As a result of destructive criticism in childhood, you risk developing a fear of failure, loss, and criticism. By getting rid of these negative emotions, you activate your potential and change your life.
  3. Dream big. Imagine that you could be, have and do anything in your family, financial and personal life. Then install clear, written goals and make a detailed plan to make all your dreams come true.
  4. Want to become rich. Be clear about how much you want to earn, have, and acquire, set those amounts as your goals, and then think about them all the time. Everything that others have already done you can do it too.
  5. Be responsible for your life. Decide today to accept 100% responsibility, without accusations or excuses, for everything that happens. Take control of your thoughts, words, actions. Become the master of your own destiny.
  6. Be an expert. Decide to become one of Top 10% people in your field. Identify the core skills you'll need to acquire in whatever you do, set excellent performance as your goal, make a plan, and then improve every day.
  7. People are most important. Organize your life by creating and maintaining high-quality, high-trust relationships with the most important people in your world. Develop this network of connections regularly, expanding your contacts.
  8. Think like a genius. You I have an opportunity think better and more productively than you thought before. When you start thinking like the smartest and most successful people, you will soon achieve the same results that they achieved.
  9. Give freedom to your ideas. The more ideas you develop to achieve your goals, according to the Law of Probability, the more likely it will be that you will come up with exactly the right idea, exactly when it is needed. Your ability to generate ideas is unlimited. Therefore, your future is also unlimited.
  10. Reboot your thinking. There are a few basic mental strategies and techniques that are practiced by the best people everywhere. Any of these methods of analyzing your situation can give you the necessary thoughts and ideas that can change your perspective and even change your life. The more thinking tools you have, the more wonderful life you can build for yourself.
  11. Create your future yourself. The most effective people plan your life very carefully and make every effort to anticipate what may go wrong in advance. As a result, they think better and make better decisions than other people.
  12. Live a great life. The world around you is enormous determined by your inner world. The happiest, highest paid and most respected people in any field are those who are known for the quality of their character.

Essay on the book “Change Your Mind and You Change Your Life” by Brian Tracy

They represent a person’s worldview and ruin our lives, making us losers and neurotics.
Statement: “Change your thinking and you will change your life”- is real and extremely relevant for most emotional and psychological problems and failures in life.

Our automatic thoughts, largely dysfunctional, based on the perception of subjective (internal) reality, distort the objective, external world, making it illusory and fictitious. Distorted thinking and irrational interpretation of life situations distort our feelings and emotions, and along with them, leading to behavior that is inappropriate to the situation, which makes people unhappy, unlucky and unlucky in all or some areas of life...

After reading the article to the end, and by studying the proposed techniques for changing thinking from irrational to rational, you will learn how to change your thinking, how to change your thoughts, preventing you from living a dignified, self-sufficient and happy life.

So, change your thinking, your thoughts and you will change your life - objective refutation techniques

Often, to change thinking and internal beliefs, they use techniques of emotional experiences- usually with depressive disorders, however, with fears and phobias, and accompanying panic attacks, especially for people with suitable psychotypes, rational, dispassionate ones are better suited for changing automatic thoughts objective refutation techniques.

Use objective refutation techniques yourself And change your thinking (automatic thoughts) and you will change your life for the better.

“Alternative Interpretation” technique for changing thinking (automatic dysfunctional thoughts)

The principle of first priority is very significant in all psychology. He says that people pay more attention to their first impressions of events than to subsequent ones, which is recorded in the head and leads to irrational thinking. These first impressions can be anything: the first time you fly on a plane, the first time you leave home, your first love, your first kiss, sex...

But people's first perception of an event is not always the best. Many people grasp the meaning of an event impulsively and intuitively and subsequently adhere to this initial understanding, believing that it must be correct. Later assessments, albeit more objective, can only rarely take root as reliably as the first, changing thinking that is inadequate to the situation.

For example, some people continue to believe that anxiety leads to psychosis or that chest tightness indicates a heart attack simply because it is the first thought that comes to their mind. Once established, this mindset is difficult to change.

Unfortunately, it is true that the very first interpretations of an event are often the worst, and people who are misled by their thoughts and ideas need to be taught about the concept. They must learn to refrain from making hasty judgments until they have more information and a more accurate perception of the situation.

A method to change your thinking(s) to improve your life

To change your thinking by changing your thoughts, and further improve your life, this method of independent work on yourself is offered to you.
  1. Over the course of a week, you need to make notes about the most unpleasant emotions that arise during this time in one or two sentences, noting the activating event (situation) and your first interpretation (thought) of this event (your thinking about it).
  2. Next week you need to continue recording, but this time you need to come up with at least four new, alternative interpretations for each event (situation). Keep in mind that each interpretation must be different from the first, but no less plausible.
  3. Next, you need to decide, by reviewing and analyzing your notes, which of the last four interpretations (thoughts) is supported by the most objective evidence.
  4. Continue searching for alternative interpretations, changing your thinking from irrational, stereotypical to rational, objective, and along with your thoughts, changing your emotions and behavior until (about a month) until you do it automatically.

Examples, changes in thoughts and thinking to alternative interpretations:
Situation 1
Single 25 year old woman just broke up with her boyfriend.

First interpretation (automatic thoughts, thinking):
There's something wrong with me. I am inadequate and will probably never be able to build a long-term relationship with a man.

1. “I met the wrong man.”
2. “I don’t want to give up my freedom right now.”
3. “My friend and I are incompatible on a biochemical level.”
4. “My friend was afraid to commit himself to a relationship with me.”

Situation 2
After taking tranquilizers for a year, a person leaves them. The next day he feels a little anxious.

First interpretation:
"I knew it. I needed pills to get rid of anxiety, without them I would lose control.”

Alternative interpretations:

1. “I'm worried because I don't have my crutches anymore.” I lost my food."
2. “I was anxious before I stopped taking the pills, so the tension could be caused by something else.”
3. “I have worried thousands of times, both with and without pills. This only lasts an hour or so and then goes away. It will be so this time too.”
4. “Without drugs in my body, I feel different, not worse or better, just different. I called this other feeling “anxiety” because I interpret all unfamiliar feelings as scary, but I might as well have called this feeling “unfamiliar.” It's not that dangerous."

Situation 3
The client's husband said she had fat legs.

First interpretation (thinking, automatic thoughts):
“I have ridiculous legs. I am formless. I shouldn't wear shorts because then everyone will see them. Nature deprived me."

Alternative interpretations (changing thinking):
1. “He’s an idiot!”
2. “He got angry with me because dinner wasn’t ready yet. He
knows that I am sensitive about my weight, and wanted to offend me.”
3. “He’s having a midlife crisis and wants me to look
like an 18-year-old girl to feel younger.”
4. “This is his projection, because he himself has thick legs.”

Situation 4
Six years ago, a person developed agoraphobia. Despite four months of consultations with two psychotherapists, she still has panic attacks.

First interpretation (automatic thoughts)
"I'm crazy! I will always be afraid to leave the house, and if two professional psychotherapists couldn’t help me, then no one can.”

Alternative interpretations (change thinking)
1. “My therapists weren’t that good.”
2. “The techniques they used were not appropriate for my problem.”
3. “I don’t spend enough time in therapy.”
4. “It takes more than four months to overcome agoraphobia.”
5. “I didn’t work on it.”

Brian Tracy

Change your thinking and you will change your life

To my wife Barbara, who taught me the value of love and family.

You are my main support and my greatest inspiration.


If you are ready to put in the effort to rise to a new level of spiritual development and achieve great results, then now you have in your hands the road map necessary for this. Here is the DNA of your future. All you need to do to create a great future is read this book, decide how you are going to apply the author's advice to your own life, make and write a plan, and then move forward with enthusiasm and implement everything you have planned.

I have to admit, I'm one of Brian's biggest fans. I know him well, his brilliant work and the extraordinary results he has achieved. Moreover, I am one of his close friends and colleagues. We worked together on many forums, met and talked several times.

Brian is one of the world's most remarkable thinkers on the topic of inner development and personal success. I already know - I have sold more than 82 million books that help people realize their inner reserves.

In the book “Change your thinking and you will change your life” shows you how to unlock your extraordinary spiritual potentials and release the incredible powers hidden within you. You will learn to attract into your life all the people and resources that you need to achieve any goal you set.

Once you start getting amazing new results using these concepts and ideas, you will be amazed at what you can do. These are exactly the principles that all winners, millionaires and self-made leaders adhere to.

This book will teach you how to achieve great success little by little, and you will eventually master the process easily and effortlessly. This success strategy is so logical, fun and ultimately so effective and comprehensively useful that it will ultimately improve your performance tremendously.

Since you have to think one way or another, why don't you think big and achieve big results?

Brian is truly a shining figure in the world of speakers and writers. He learned to think big and achieved amazing results both for himself and for many hundreds of thousands of people. Brian's intelligence in this book will inspire you to achieve the same success, or even greater.

Get ready to take one of the greatest exploration expeditions into the last and greatest of the unknown lands - your mind! You are about to experience the most exciting feelings.


It took me many years of work, reading, learning and experience to write this book. Many people have contributed to my intellectual development and have been my invisible guides in helping me assemble the twelve chapters of this book into a coherent whole. First of all, I would like to thank my friend Mark Victor Hansen, who many years ago introduced me to Emmett Fox, perhaps the most remarkable spiritual thinker of the 20th century. Ernest Holmes, founder of the Science of the Mind, opened my eyes and heart to the incredible universal potential that lies within every human being and is revealed when that person decides to change the way they think and live. Great spiritual teachers such as Charles Fillmore, Neville, Eric Butterworth, Wayne Dyer and Roberto Assagioli have had a profound impact on my thinking.

I would also like to thank those great success thinkers who have had such an invaluable influence on me and the world at large: Napoleon Hill, Maxwell Maltz, Claude Bristol, David Schwartz, W. Clement Stone, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rawne, Zig Ziglar, Dennis Wortley and Charlie Jones.

Business thinkers such as Peter Drucker, Andrew Grove, Ken Blanchard, Warren Bennis, Tom Peters, Nido Quibane, and Marshall Goldsmith have greatly enriched me with their ideas and concepts.

I would like to thank my publisher, Matthew Holt of John Wiley and Sons, for his continued support during the creation of my book and his constant encouragement during the many months it took to write and publish it.

I am equally grateful to my wonderful wife, Barbara, and our wonderful children, Christina, Michael, David, and Catherine, for their support and patience during the long hours I took away from them to finish this book.


There is nothing on Earth that is not available to you - once you accept the fact that you can have it.

Robert Collier

The truth about you

You are an amazingly good person. You deserve a wonderful life filled with happiness, success, joy and excitement. You have the right to have fulfilling relationships, good health, meaningful, rewarding work, and be financially independent. These are all your birthrights. Your life should consist of all this.

You were created to achieve success and have high self-esteem, self-esteem and self-respect. You are an extraordinary person; In the entire history of human existence, there has not been and is not a second person exactly like you on Earth. You have amazing untapped talents and abilities that, if properly discovered and applied, can give you everything you could ever want in your life.

You are living in a period of the greatest achievements in human history. There are so many favorable opportunities around you that provide all the advantages to make any of your dreams come true. And the only real limits to what you can become, do, or have are the barriers you create for yourself—through your own thinking. Your future is essentially limitless.

Make it real!

How did you react to the previous three paragraphs? You probably had two reactions. On the one hand, you liked what you read and you really wish it were true for you. But your second reaction was probably partly skeptical and distrustful. But even though you want with all your heart to live your life as a healthy, happy, successful person, when you read these lines, doubts and fears immediately awaken in you, which remind you of the reasons why these dreams and goals may not be impossible for you. Well then, join the crowd!

These are exactly the feelings I experienced many years ago. And although I dreamed of achieving great success in life, I was then ignorant, uneducated and unemployed. I had no idea what could be done to improve my situation. I felt trapped, pressed down on one side by big ideas and limited resources and opportunities. But then I discovered a set of remarkable principles that underlay all the outstanding achievements and achievements throughout the centuries - and my life changed dramatically.

After I tested these laws and principles in my own experience, I began giving lectures and teaching others to apply the same ideas. Since then, I have given more than two thousand talks and four-day seminars in 24 countries, to an audience of more than 2 million listeners. Most of these people were also skeptical when they first heard about the principles of optimism and self-confidence - until they learned and learned what you are about to learn in the following pages. It changed their life and it will change yours too.